What Do We Do With All this Data? Getting Started with Institutional Research at Independent Schools

AUGUST 24, 2023

HUDSON HARPER, Education Data Strategist/Consultant

Institutional research (IR) is a valuable tool for independent schools to gather, analyze, and interpret data to inform decision-making and improve outcomes. IR can help schools identify areas of strength and weakness, track progress towards goals, and demonstrate accountability to stakeholders. However, many independent schools may not know how to get started with IR or may feel overwhelmed by the process. In this blog post, we will explore why independent schools should prioritize IR and provide practical tips for getting started.

Benefits of Institutional Research for Independent Schools

Independent schools face unique challenges and opportunities that require thoughtful analysis and planning. IR can help schools better understand their student populations, assess the effectiveness of programs and policies, and identify opportunities for growth. Some specific benefits of IR for independent schools include:

1. Improved Student Outcomes

IR can help schools track student progress, identify areas of academic and social-emotional growth, and implement evidence-based interventions to support student success. By using data to inform decision-making, independent schools can ensure that their programs and policies are meeting the needs of their diverse student populations.

2. Enhanced Institutional Effectiveness

IR can also help independent schools assess the effectiveness of their operations, programs, and policies. By analyzing data on enrollment, retention, fundraising, and other key metrics, schools can identify areas of strength and weakness and make data-informed decisions to improve outcomes.

3. Increased Accountability and Transparency

IR can also help independent schools demonstrate accountability and transparency to stakeholders. By collecting and analyzing data on student outcomes, program effectiveness, and institutional performance, schools can provide evidence of their impact and ensure that they are meeting their mission and goals.

Obstacles to Launching an Institutional Research Program

In addition to the benefits and practical steps of institutional research, it's important to acknowledge that there may be challenges and obstacles that independent schools face when implementing IR. These challenges can include limited resources, lack of expertise or experience with data analysis, and resistance to change. In future blog posts, we will explore these challenges and provide strategies for overcoming them. By acknowledging and addressing these challenges, independent schools can better leverage the power of IR to improve outcomes and demonstrate accountability to stakeholders.

How to Get Started with Institutional Research

Getting started with institutional research can seem daunting, but there are several practical steps that independent schools can take to begin the process:

1. Identify Key Questions and Metrics

The first step in IR is to identify the key questions that the school wants to answer and the metrics that will be used to measure progress. This can include questions related to student outcomes, program effectiveness, and institutional performance.

2. Collect and Analyze Data

Once the key questions and metrics have been identified, independent schools must collect and analyze data to answer these questions. This may involve gathering data from a variety of sources, such as student records, surveys, and financial reports.

3. Communicate Results and Take Action

Finally, independent schools must communicate the results of their IR efforts to stakeholders and take action to improve outcomes. This can include sharing data with faculty and staff, using data to inform strategic planning, and implementing evidence-based interventions to support student success.


Institutional research is a valuable tool for independent schools to improve outcomes, enhance institutional effectiveness, and demonstrate accountability to stakeholders. While getting started with IR may seem overwhelming, there are practical steps that schools can take to begin the process. By prioritizing IR, independent schools can ensure that they are making data-informed decisions and meeting the needs of their diverse student populations.